The Cross of Jesus Christ and the salvation of the human being


  • Dietrich Korsch Universidade Philipps de Marburg Author
  • Claus Schwambach Translator



Christology, Soteriology, Historical Jesus, Christ of faith, Death of Jesus


This article discusses the modern problematic of the interpretations of the death of Jesus that emerged mainly in the European context since the Enlightenment, in criticism of the doctrinal formulas of the church regarding the death of Jesus. The problems that arise in those traditional propositions that attempt to understand human death itself are initially addressed. Starting from the understanding of human life and death, we then try to evaluate the conditions of possibility of obtaining an adequate understanding of Jesus’ death with modern self-understanding. Based on this criterion, three commonly used models of interpretation are evaluated, aiming at identifying in this analysis its strengths, but also its weaknesses. Finally, an image of Jesus is drawn which unites the meaning of his earthlyhistorical life with its eternal and divine meaning, in the greater hermeneutic horizont of modern self-understanding.

Author Biography

  • Dietrich Korsch, Universidade Philipps de Marburg

    Prof. Dr. Dietrich Korsch é professor emérito da Universidade Philipps de Marburg, Alemanha, onde atuou como professor da cadeira de teologia sistemática e história da teologia. Detalhes de sua biografia encontram-se em:


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BAYER, Oswald. A teologia de Martim Lutero. Uma atualização. São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 2007.

BULTMANN, Rudolf. Neues Testament und Mythologie. Das Problem der Entmythologisierung der neutestamentlichen Verkündigung. In: Kerygma und Mythos. Ein theologisches Gespräch. Hg. V. Hans-Werner Bartsch. 5. ed. HamburgBergstedt, 1967.

FRIEDRICH, Gerhad. Die Verkündigung des Todes Jesu im Neuen Testament. 2. ed. Neukirchen: Neukirchener Verlag, 1985.

HEIDEGGER, Martin. Sein und Zeit. 19. ed. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer (1927) 2006.

SCHRÖTER, Jens. Jesus von Nazaret, Jude aus Galiläa – Retter der Welt. (Biblische Gestalten 15). Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2012.

THEISSEN, Gerd; MERZ, Annete. Der historische Jesus. Ein Lehrbuch. 2. ed. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1997.





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How to Cite

KORSCH, Dietrich. The Cross of Jesus Christ and the salvation of the human being. Vox Scripturae - Revista Teológica Internacional, São Bento do Sul, Brasil, v. 26, n. 3, p. 533–547, 2018. DOI: 10.25188/FLT-VoxScript(eISSN2447-7443)vXXVI.n3.p533-547.DK. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 nov. 2024.