Philosophy and theology in the perspective of Alexandria’s School


  • Samuel Sanches PUC-SP Author



Discourse, Philosophy, Theology, Alexandria


This article presents reflections on philosophy and theology from the perspective of the Alexandria’s School, as well as its importance for our time. For this and in a first part we will deal with Alexandria, its history and also its philosophical tradition, with application to the literary philosophical schools in Alexandria and Neoplatonism. And secondly we will talk about Hellenistic Judaism, Christianity in late antiquity, the theory of religion between philosophy and practice, then about the myth and history of Christianity; finally, Jesus and the mythological discourse. Consequently, a philosophical discourse, especially from Alexandria, should be discussed, highlighting the doctrinal differences of theology in a synthesized way, thus promoting a redemption of bibliographical re-readings, thus contributing to a reflective basis of Alexandria's remaining philosophical and historical elements.

Author Biography

  • Samuel Sanches, PUC-SP

    O autor é Mestrando em Teologia pela PUC-SP, especialista em Aconselhamento Pastoral e em Psicopedagogia pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP), Bacharel em Teologia (UMESP) e pastor Batista, membro do grupo de pesquisa José Comblin pela PUC-SP. O autor é mestre em teologia com ênfase em Bibliologia (Seminário Internacional). E-mail: Orientador: Professor Dr. Edélcio Ottaviani.


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How to Cite

SANCHES, Samuel. Philosophy and theology in the perspective of Alexandria’s School. Vox Scripturae - Revista Teológica Internacional, São Bento do Sul, Brasil, v. 27, n. 2, p. 253–273, 2024. DOI: 10.25188/FLT-VoxScript(eISSN2447-7443)vXXVII.n2.p253-273.SS. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.