God and happiness in Epicurus


  • Adriano da Silva Carvalho IBEI/RJ Author




God, Happiness, Epicurus


This article aims to understand the meaning of the phrase: "Θεοὶ μὲν γὰρ εἰσίν" - “Surely the gods exist” in the context of the so-called letter about the happiness of Epicurus. And, to this purpose, it will question the relationship of this enunciate with the program of the "Blessed life" of the philosopher of Samos. Epicuro was presenting his declaration of faith: Θεοὶ εἰσίν? Probably not. But it is true that he used theological language when he presented his plan of happiness. Why did he do it? This is the question that this article will seek to answer.

Author Biography

  • Adriano da Silva Carvalho, IBEI/RJ

    Adriano da Silva Carvalho é Mestre em Estudos Hermenêuticos – CPAJ/Universidade Mackenzie-SP. Professor do departamento de Línguas Clássicas e Vernáculas (Grego/Hebraico) no Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Integrada – IBEI/RJ e no Seminário Teológico Batista Fluminense – Campus Mageense - RJ. Escreveu os seguintes livros: A crítica e o texto do Novo Testamento (Editora Reflexão); Novo Testamento da Crítica da Forma à história do Cânon (Editora Reflexão); A interpretação nas teorias linguísticas e literárias (Editora Reflexão). Researcher ID: W-8148-2018. Orcid ID: 0000–0002–6399-3287. E-mail: adriano3656@gmail.com. 


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How to Cite

DA SILVA CARVALHO, Adriano. God and happiness in Epicurus. Vox Scripturae - Revista Teológica Internacional, São Bento do Sul, Brasil, v. 27, n. 2, p. 275–290, 2024. DOI: 10.25188/FLT-VoxScript(eISSN2447-7443)vXXVII.n2.p275-290.ASC. Disponível em: https://leftclick.com.br/voxscripturaeojs/index.php/vox/article/view/5.. Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.