Sprinkle or scare the nations?

The mission of the servant in Isaiah 52.15


  • Luciano Azambuja Betim Author




Sprinkle, Haunt, Song of the Servant, Prophet Isaiah


The fourth hymn of the servant appears in Isaiah 52: 13-53.12. As a matter of delimitation, this exegesis only interacts with 52.15a, whose sentence says: “likewise it will sprinkle many nations.” This sentence presents a translation difficulty in the verb yazzeh. Sprinkle or scare the nations? Dialoging with biblical scholars coming from historical Protestantism, two are possible translations: sprinkling or haunting, the first being the most consistent with the Hebrew text.

Author Biography

  • Luciano Azambuja Betim

    Luciano Azambuja Betim é mestrando em Teologia pela PUC-PR; Pós-graduado em Teologia do Novo Testamento Aplicada pela FABAPAR; Graduado em Teologia pela FEPAR; Pastor da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil; Professor na Faculdade Presbiteriana Fatesul (Curitiba/PR); Email: lucianobetim@outlook.com.br.


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How to Cite

BETIM, Luciano Azambuja. Sprinkle or scare the nations? : The mission of the servant in Isaiah 52.15. Vox Scripturae - Revista Teológica Internacional, São Bento do Sul, Brasil, v. 26, n. 3, p. 463–473, 2018. DOI: 10.25188/FLT-VoxScript(eISSN2447-7443)vXXVI.n3.p463-473.LAB. Disponível em: https://leftclick.com.br/voxscripturaeojs/index.php/vox/article/view/34.. Acesso em: 23 nov. 2024.